Websites with RSS feeds, which stands for Really Simple Syndication, amplify the effects of their content marketing strategies. These RSS news feeds are used to distribute news, headlines, and all different kinds of web content in general. These are simple additions to a website that provide a substantial service to both publishers and readers. Here is a short list of some of the benefits of websites with RSS feeds!
Provides an excellent customer service.
Websites with RSS feeds give the subscriber the ability to quickly navigate through their content. By turning a deluge of information into a manageable stream, news feeds RSS allow readers to get only the news that they want, when they want it and have all of it in one place. This saves them time so that they can get more done online.
Avoid spam filters.
Email marketing campaigns provide a strong conversion rate, but oft times they don’t make it past the spam filter, or gets lost amongst the infl Continue reading Websites With RSS Feeds Make the Most of Their Content Marketing